Dare to Bliss

Your life is waiting for you to grow into your potential.

Dare to Bliss is a movement that empowers women to embrace vulnerability, take risks, and invest in themselves to achieve their goals. It encourages you to live life to the fullest and to make every moment count. It is the heart and soul of the philosophy, 'bloom a life you love.' We are absolutely limitless if we believe it to be true. Let's dream big!
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Dare to Bliss programs are for high-impact women who want to make a difference in the world. 

Maybe you're going through a difficult time, a loss, or a transition and need some assistance. Making a career or life pivot from being a household CEO to powerfully reentering the workforce could be the next step for you. You might have been laid off recently and are now seeking another way to go with your career trajectory. Perhaps you're looking for a deeper purpose and meaning in life and need guidance. Perhaps you are facing a challenging relationship matter that requires guidance and support. Whatever the call to dare may be, it takes being honest with yourself and being brave.

It is bravery that allows you to live your life without being controlled by fear, freeing you from its limitations and the worries that hold you back. You can step out of your comfort zone and take risks that can lead to improved success and personal growth. The confines of our lives are what hold us back. They can be external, such as societal or family expectations, or internal, such as our own self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Dare to Bliss empowers you to break free of your confines and pursue what you really want in life.

Integral Bloom, the organization behind Dare to Bliss, believes that life should not be limited by fear and worry. As a result, taking risks and embracing uncertainty can be the catalyst for growth and success. Integral means essential to completeness. Bloom means to grow, flourish, or reach a peak of beauty and abundance. The philosophy of Dare to Bliss is to be bold, take action and live life to the fullest.

Integral Bloom encourages people to accept the risks necessary in life to grow. It believes that uncertainty is a necessary part of life, believing that it is essential to a complete and successful life. Through their Dare to Bliss program, we aim to empower women to take charge of their own paths and create their happiest lives.


Money Talk with Maria

Being empowered in your relationship with money is crucial to living a life you love. Join me weekly online for Money Talk with Maria. Up-level your relationship with money and see your life rise accordingly. 

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Dare to Bliss: Retreats

For anyone seeking to pause to realign amidst the swirling chaos of life.  As a small and intimate group, or one-on-one if this calls to you, step back from your crazy busy life to reflect, reset, and realign. Move through signature bloom ontological curriculum designed to drop you in deeply to yourself. Clear whatever blocks to flow are there.  And, from this space of clarity, align with your values, instincts, intuition and purpose to propel your life forward with clarity. Be nourished. Be listened to deeply. Be seen and supported to grow in just the right way for your life to flourish.

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Dare to Bliss: Mindbloom Mastermind Group

For psychotherapists: In a weekly 60 minute online mastermind session, stay on track with the ups and downs of what operating your own practice takes. Get the inspiration and coaching to stay the course to thrive in private practice.

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Ready to Bloom a Life You Love?

Book a visioning session to see what blooming a life you love could mean for your life!

Book a Visioning Session